When it comes to blogging, HOW can you take center stage and own the spotlight?

In order to succeed in blogging, you need to have a plan and support. You need to have complete focus and clarity. Trust me, we have all been there- blogging can be VERY overwhelming. We want to help you achieve your goals and succeed beyond your wildest dreams.  It is time to WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER, and use the tools that we share with you to create your best blog ever.

** If you’re interested in SEO services for your business or etsy shop, please use our contact form to reach out for special package offers.**

Here are just a few things that BLOG SAVVY CREATIVE offers to help you succeed in blogging:


KEYWORD RESEARCH – starting at $550

We’ll research 25 Keywords that your site is already ranking in Google for. With this you will receive:

  • You’ll get a list of 20 long tail phrases to go with those keywords. This will allow you plan content out for up to a year or more.
  • PLEASE NOTE: You could also switch out and provide us with 10-25 NEW topics that you plan to write about and we’d do the research for those instead of the what you’re already ranking for.



ONE-ON-ONE SEO CONSULT – starting at $450

Need a bit of hand holding when it comes to SEO? We get it! This is perfect for anyone who is confused when it comes to SEO and needs someone to walk through the basics and best practices with them.

This package includes:

  • A 60 minute Video call where we explain the basics of SEO.
  • What you NEED to be doing in each post you publish.
  • Plus tips and tricks for whole site SEO + older posts changes you can make.
  • Send us over a list of questions before hand and we will make sure to answer them with you! + a free SEO e-book




This is the perfect package for someone who wants to work on SEO as well as have someone monitoring their SEO backend at all times. This package includes:

  • Optimization for 15 Posts per month (these can be used on older posts during your month if you don’t have 15 new posts in a month)
  • Site Map Monitoring
  • Plug-In Updates
  • Custom Keyword Report
  • Monthly SEO Strategy Call


QUICK AUDIT- starting at $550

Struggling to understand why everything you’re doing isn’t working? Our quick audit is for you!  This package includes:

  • List of current rankings (every keyword that you are currently ranking for)
  • We will update and resubmit your Sitemap to all major search engines.
  • Check for Search Engine Penalties
  • Check for drops in ranking after major Google Updates and signal fixes
  • Full Backlink Analysis
  • Navigation Tips for your homepage SEO



COMPLETE SEO AUDIT– starting at $800

We’ll dive into your stats! Focusing on keyword research, to take a look at where you’re currently ranking. At the end of our audit, you’ll receive an SEO Plan for your site. With this you will receive:

  • A PDF with the SEO plan.
  • Recommendations for already published posts.
  • Tips and tricks that you can do within blog posts to keep your SEO up to par.
  • You’ll also receive a document with 25 keywords you’re already ranking for + 15-20 long tail phrases to go with, this will effectively allow you to plan content for up to a year in most cases.
  • Comprehensive SEO File detailing your SEO plan as well as addressing any prior questions you may have.


EDITORIAL PLAN – starting at $950

We will research keywords that are doing well on your site and come up with a 50 Post editorial plan for you. Including meta descriptions perfect for better search engine results. With this you will get:

      • 50 Post Titles + Meta Descriptions to use for new posts.


ADVANCED SEO + AUDIT– Prices start at $1050

With this package we can go into the nitty gritty of your site and we would optimize the Top 50 posts on your site at the moment. Doing this we would do the following:

  • Optimize and Add Keywords OR confirm that the keyword being used are optimized 100%
  • Optimize the 1st paragraph and the closing paragraph
  • Add H1 Headings
  • Optimize // Add Alt Text to each and image in that post OR confirm that the alt text is 100% optimized for what it needs to be
  • Optimize// Add meta descriptions for each of the 50 posts OR fix the meta description that is currently in the post at the moment to help ensure it is optimized correctly
  • Optimize Internal Links with your post
  • A full checklist of things to go over before you hit publish every single time
  • Key examples for optimized Alt Text, Images, Names, Meta Descriptions, etc
  • This file will help discuss and answer each and every question that you might have about the SEO checklist as well as detail and outline your SEO plan and strategy.
  • We also would discuss the best way to utilize keyword research to help you plan your content strategy and editorial content.